Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Major Baby Fever...

I have always wanted to start blogging and see what all the fuss is about...but never actually got around to doing it. I've had the past diaries, written poems things like that so blogging should come naturally to me. Better late then never I guess and why not start now, starting off with documenting my increasing baby fever. lol

I'm sure you can tell by the title I am experiencing major baby fever. It doesn't help that it seems like every Tom Dick and Harry is pregnant right now does it...!!
Ashlyn just turned 3 on Jan 25th and I did always say 2014 was the year I wanted another one.
From the moment I had Ashlyn there was an instant bond between us, as I'm sure every mother feels. Breast feeding for me just made it feel even more intense and in the beginning I couldn't actually see myself having anymore children (not for a while anyway). To me it just felt selfish taking away that one on one time with Ashlyn. I wanted to concentrate all my energy and love into her. I didn't want to miss out on any milestone, take anything away from her or take anything for granted. As stupid as it sounds, I couldn't imagine being able to love another child with as much love as I had for Ashlyn. Silly right?
For me it just didn't feel right. And it actually took a while before I even considered the possibility of having another.

I can't remember when all this baby fever kicked in but its in full throttle as we speak.
You absolutely know when your 'clucky' because you find yourself watching every baby and delivery story possible, you find your self planning what themed nursery your going to have, even have both gender names picked out before you even fall pregnant!
Yes I've ticked all three of these boxes and more.
As clucky as I am though, I'm holding off for now. And for many reasons. The first being that 2013 has always sounded unlucky to me. We had a rollercoaster of a 2012, so I guess you can't be too careful despite not really being too superstitious. Second being I don't want any of my children to have a late birthday. This is a BIG one for me. My birthday is late November and I've always hated it. You have to wait until the end of the year for so many things. Its never a good feeling when all of your friends are experiencing life's new adventures when you have to keep on waiting. Getting your Learners Permit, legally being able to drink..just to name a few. We took all this into consideration when we were TTC for Ashlyn. I'm not sure how the school systems work everywhere else in the world but here in Australia your child starts school at the age of 4. But, if you are born after a certain month you have to wait until the following year making you 5. Ashlyn's birthday is at the very beginning of the year, so she starts school next year on time (making her 4), my nephew however is born the year before Ashlyn in October and starts the same year that she does (making him 5). Stupid policy but I don't want my child to have to wait.
Another reason, I would really like to have a boy second time round. Don't get me wrong, I am in no way against having another girl..but to be honest I can't see myself having anymore then 2 children and It would be nice to have one of each. Pigeon pair. Based on that I have decided to go by the Chinese Lunar Chart.
If you have never heard of the Chinese Lunar Chart (many haven't) it's basically an ancient Chinese old wives tale that is said to have an accuracy rate of up to 93%. You line up your (lunar age) with the (lunar month) you conceived and it will give you a result of either boy or girl. It was right when I had Ashlyn and tends to be right majority of the times I test it out on friends or family. So understandable why I have some trust in the theory.
I'm also looking into the Shettles method as I have seen alot written about that aswell along with charting just like any other would be if TTC.
Because I am going by the Chinese Lunar Chart though, there are only certain months I can TTC. Which is prooving difficult when I'm wanting to be pregnant so bad.
But if in the end after abiding by all of these 'Old Wives Tales' do I still get a girl I will be just as happy. Just means Ashlyn will have a little sister rather then a little brother and girls are alot of fun :)
Atleast I can say I tried right lol.
I can't wait to experience all the unknowns of Pregnancy again. Will keep you posted xo

9 Months Pregnant with Ashlyn.


  1. exciting stuff dani! so now that we are the start of the year are u thinking u would hold off to make it due early to mid next year? i totally know how u feel about not being able to love another as much as ur first, im 6 weeks off having this one n that crosses my mind so so often, iv had real times of guilt coz i dont want this baby to impose on me and ellas relationship but everyone tells me ur heart just grows n u love them both :) anyway look forward to following this journey

    1. I have my set months to try based on the Chinese Lunar Chart so yes it will defintly be due atleast Jan 2014 if I can help it lol.
      And I guess its just something alot of us mums think aout and don't really know the anwer to until you do have a second child. Another theory I have is you will share a different love/bond with a daughter then you do a son. Guess we shall I see I guess xo

  2. When I was pregnant with Kayla, I was SO worried I wouldn't love her as much as I loved Kaiden... I was SO anxious about it and even during labour I was freaking out about physically having bringing another baby into our little family... It's something I think every Mother experiences to some degree. The love you have for your child is always so much greater and deeper than you could have imagined and so it is hard to believe that you could feel that again for another child. But, you totally do- your heart expands with each child <3 x

    1. Yeah, now that I'm wanting a second baby I do realise that. I still have those thoughts but I guess its just one of those thing where you jus have to take that leap and experience it for yourself :) x
