Saturday, February 2, 2013

Basal Body Temperature Charting. (BBT)

So basically there is a few different ways to track when you are ovulating. One of the newest ways that I came across (new being that I didn't know of it before) is Basal Body Temperature Charting (BBT). All that means is keeping track of your lowest temperature attained by the body during rest. Generally measured after you wake first thing in the morning before any physical activity.
The reason women TTC (Trying To Conceive) track these temperatures is because at the time of ovulation you will notice a drop and then a slight rise in your temperature. But unless this rise occurs 3 days in a row you probably haven't ovulated yet. A good tool to keep track of your BBT is Fertility Friend.

I've been tracking my BBT for 16 days now. So only over one cycle as yet but I definitely noticed the changes in temperature along with other symptoms. Below is a graph of my temperatures from the last 16 days using Fertility Friend. You will notice as well that they will automatically put a criss cross line where they think you have ovulated. As you can see I didn't get the 3 day in a row spike where they have estimated I ovulated but I definitely agree with their verdict has I experienced major cramping that day along with positive OPK's 3 days in a row.

I'm still learning all the nitty gritty of TTC like all their abbreviations etc.. so for all of you newbies like me I'll be sure to enter the proper terms along with the abbreviations when talking TTC talk lol.
Now for charting your BBT you can use just an ordinary old thermometer If you wished, I'm sure most of you would have one laying about the house somewhere anyways. To be honest that's all I was using to begin with until little miss Ashlyn decided to play with it one morning and because we haven't been able to find it since I treated myself this afternoon and brought one of the proper BBT thermometers you can buy at just about any store that sells thermometers.
The only difference really between the two is BBT thermometers are said to give more accurate and precise temperature readings than standard thermometers.
You must remember when charting your BBT for ovulation this particular method will only show once you have already ovulated, hence being too late for BD (Baby Dancing/Intercourse)
This method is set up to keep track of the differences in temperatures over a few cycles to give you an idea of when you generally will ovulate.
Maybe next post I can research the main abbreviation used for TTC and list them all for you. xo


  1. Oooo- if you arn't using BC, you could be pregnant this cycle!!! Exciting :) xx

  2. Oh also, I'm not sure if you realised but you can get the FF App and have it on the go with you- I use it to keep track of my cycle. Once it returned after Kayla I wanted to know if it was "normal" again and so far, it is. It does vary each cycle (max was 44 days long, 25 days was the shortest). But my body shows definite signs of O and then AF comes about 2wks later so I guess my body is fairly predictable :) GL using it, it's a really good site and even better if you purchase the full version :) x

  3. Not sure if you've read my first post lol but im not looking at having a 2013 baby haha so yes we are using BC (for now anyways) ;)
    And yeah I already have the app too along with a few others =P
