Saturday, February 9, 2013

Low Blood Pressure

It is not uncommon to feel lightheaded or dizzy while pregnant.
During a normal pregnancy, your blood vessels dilate and your blood pressure gradually decreases, reaching its lowest point around mid-pregnancy. It then begins to go back up, returning to its regular level by the end of pregnancy.
Generally, your cardiovascular and nervous systems are able to adjust to these changes, causing adequate blood flow to your brain. But occasionally they don't adapt quickly enough, which can leave you feeling lightheaded, dizzy or cause you to faint.  (Thanks Babycenter for that info)

I experienced all of the above during my pregnancy with Ashlyn.
During my very first blood test i fainted! It was the worst feeling in the world. You start to feel shaky, lightheaded or dizzy, warm, you start sweating and then boom your out. Luckily I only fainted during one blood test my whole pregnancy, but nearly fainted a second time during my glucose test. I had all the symptoms but luckily it subsided. Maybe the fact that I was laying down that time turned things around for me. I was told by my doctor the first time it happened lying down would help me. And it did.

Fainting during my pregnancy was a very common thing for me. I worked as a cashier which required standing for long periods of time. We would receive breaks throughout our shifts but whilst serving customers there was no point where you could stop and have a breather so to say if you needed one.
I can't remember how many weeks pregnant I was the first time it happened at work. It was very embarrassing though. Especially having customers all around you aswell as fellow staff members. I always ate beforehand, I tried having sugary snacks or sugary drinks with me on the till. It didn't matter what I did, I still kept fainting. It would get quite hot where I was working as well and to be perfectly honest with you I'm sure that added to it all.
I ended up being moved to a different section at my work where I was able to sit for majority of my shift and that helped out alot. I was still required to stand and do things every so often though and so towards the end of my pregnancy I was still feeling dizzy and had to quite work when I was 6 months pregnant.

I even fainted after having Ashlyn. I'd gone through nearly 24 hours of labour pain relief free and on my way to having a shower (naked mind you) I collapsed and fainted half way to the door. I then had to sit on a chair in the shower and even then I felt extremely weak.

Now the point of this whole post is because I still experience low blood pressure even now.
The simplest of things like everyday house work sends me feeling weak, lightheaded or dizzy, and I need to sit down immediately. And like during pregnancy it doesn't matter whether I've eaten or not it still happens. Some days being better then others. I do notice things always being worse when it is hotter. And i tend to get warmer quite easily.

I have been to the doctors for it and not even he could come up with a reason as to why. He's sent me for a number of blood tests, all of which come back negative. No surprise. The last time though I went and seen him my blood pressure was just about normal again, but all my symptoms have been coming back again and I know for a fact my blood pressure is low again.

I've been wanting to go back to work a few days a week for a while now. But having this low blood pressure seriously gets in the way of things. I wanted to go back to where I was working before I had Ashlyn but they only had cashier jobs available and I just know there would be no way my body could handle it. Something about standing in the one spot for a period of time just does it to me. I tend to have more energy during the afternoons, so I was hoping to find somewhere where I could work in the afternoons to early night. I'm only wanting to go back as a casual-part time for now based on future baby plans and Ashlyn still being at home. I don't believe in day-care, and not because I see it as an excuse to stay home rather then work and watch my daughter myself...I've seen and heard way too many stories and I simply don't trust any of them. If I was to go back before Ashlyn started school next year either Matt or a family member would look after her for me. We are lucky in that aspect of things. But the point is, there isn't too many jobs available where I could work the hours I'm looking for and even more so, a job where I wouldn't need to be standing in the same spot for majority of my shift. Something like shelf filling would be fine for me because even though I'd be standing, I'd be moving around and could stop to have a breather if need be.

Alot of people look down at you when you say you have low blood pressure. They look at it as an excuse not to go back to work. But unless you have experienced the symptoms you have no idea. It does get in the way of things and hold you back. It restrains you from doing certain things. Theres nothing I hate more then some-one making a comment about you going back to work when they simply have no idea of the circumstances.

We are wanting to buy our own home in the near future and going back to work is obviously going to help us reach that goal quicker. I just need to knuckle down and find something that is going to allow that come true even though I have low blood pressure..... xo

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